We have a variety of vendor space options. Vendors must provide their own table(s)/tent(s)/equipment/electricity/etc. for the event. Vendors are invited to style their space as they see fit, however displays must be neat and professional.
We also offer discounts to Bayonne residents and business owners; they are the Bayonne Discount and Brick and Mortar Discount, respectively.
Merchant Vendor: 10'x10 ' space size.
Double Merchant Vendor: 10'x20 ' space size.
Food* Vendor: 10'x10 ' space size. Food vendors are considered anyone vending food to be consumed on the spot, as opposed to food that is prepackaged.
Food Truck* Vendor: 10'x20 ' space size.
Non-Profit Vendor: 10'x10 ' space size. TIN will be required to establish non-profit status.
*The Bayonne Hometown Fair Association will forward your information to the Bayonne Department of Health and Fire Prevention. Food vendors that are not already on file with the Department of Health will be required to submit the appropriate paperwork in regard to safe food handling and storage. While we appreciate that at home cooks make delicious food, its sale is currently prohibited. All Food Vendors will receive an inspection from representatives of the Department of Health and Fire Prevention the morning of the Fair; please plan your setup accordingly.
Pricing is listed on the Electronic Form for Vendors and Sponsors. Once the form is completed an invoice will be emailed out to you. Spaces are not guaranteed until full payment has been received.
The invoice will also include a Security to stand as surety that all Fair guidelines will be adhered to. The deposit will be refunded to the vendor Sunday evening when the Fair closes via check, or you can opt for an electronic refund.
As we sell out earlier every year, we recommend signing up as early as you are able.
Tent Safety:
Tents require 20lb weights per leg. The weight requirements are for the safety of our vendors and fair goers. Weights must be actual tent weights (water bottles, gym equipment, etc. will not be permitted), and the weights must be in use the entire time the tent is up. If proper weights are not in use the BHTFA will provide weights (while supplies last), the cost of which will be charged to the Vendor or deducted from the Vendor's Security deposit.
Tents left up over night should be lowered if possible and the weights MUST remain on. Neither the Bayonne Hometown Fair Assoc. nor the City of Bayonne are responsible for any property left unattended.
If a Food Vendor will be cooking under a tent, it must have the NFPA-701 tag attached or the appropriate paperwork must be furnished to certify that the tent has been rendered fire retardant to the NFPA-701 standard. Fire extinguishers must be up to date.
Vendors are not permitted to breakdown/close booths prior to the fair closing, doing so will forfeit the Fair Security.
We want everyone to have a fun and safe time. Failure to comply with Fair guidelines will forfeit the Security paid as part of Vendor registration. Egregious noncompliance may result in expulsion from the event- if this should occur, all fees and deposits will be forfeit.